Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Monday Night Football and Socialism

Monday Night Football and Socialism - an unlikley duo, I know. But during this week's pre-game chat about post-election predictions, the prospect of returing to a communist society was mentioned several times by those, who I know for a fact, are painfully under-read on the literary works of Marx and Engles. Agree with them or disagree. I can respect an opinion....just not from those too uninformed on the matter to form one.

Now for some fun....a full report from the Socialist International Conspiricy

Surely you have heard by now of the imminent socialist takeover of America, and if you find the prospect unlikely, ask yourself: How many socialists do you know who lost millions in the recent stock market crashes? Just as I thought—none—and that's not only because you don't know any socialists. The truth is that we, the Socialist International Conspiracy, not only saw this coming, we are the ones who made it happen.

The plan took shape during a particularly intense criticism/self-criticism session at our 2000 annual convention in a booth at an Akron IHOP. We realized that we'd been recruiting no more new members per year than the Green Bay Packers and that, despite all our efforts, more Americans have been taken aboard UFO's than have embraced the historic promise of socialism. So we decided to suspend our usual work of standing on street corners and hissing, "Hey, how'd you like to live in a workers' paradise?” Instead of building socialism, one worker at a time, we would focus on destroying capitalism, hedge fund by hedge fund.

First, we selected a cadre of crusty punks from the streets of Seattle, stripped off their Che t-shirts, suited them up in Armani's and wingtips, and introduced them to the concepts of derivatives and dental floss. Then we shipped them to Wall Street with firm instructions: Make as much money as you can, as fast as you can, and as soon as the money starts rolling in, send it out to make more money by whatever dodgy means you can find – subprime loans, credit default swaps, pyramid schemes – anything goes. And oh yes: Spend your own earnings in the most flamboyantly gross ways you can think of -- $10,000 martinis, fountains of champagne – so as to fan the flames of class resentment.

These brave comrades did far better than we could have imagined, quickly adapting to lives of excess and greed punctuated only by squash games at the Century Club. But we could not have inflicted such massive damage to capitalism if we hadn't also planted skilled agents in high places within the government and various quasi-governmental agencies. When all this is over, Phil Gramm, for example—the former senator and McCain economics advisor -- will be getting a Hero of Socialism award for his courageous battle against financial regulation. That's the only name I can name at this moment, but I will tell you this: If you happened to have been in a playground in the suburbs of DC any time in the last few years, and noticed an impeccably dressed elderly man poking around under rocks, that was a certain Federal Reserve Chairman, looking for his weekly orders from the central committee.
Things were going swimmingly until about a week ago, when the capitalists suddenly staged a counter-coup. We had thought that the nationalization of the banks would bring capitalism to its knees, but instead, the capitalists were craftily using it to privatize the government. Goldman Sachs, former home of Henry Paulson, has taken the lead, planting its agents so thickly about the erstwhile public sector as to earn the nickname "Government Sachs." Among the former Goldman Sachs operatives now running the country, in addition to Paulson, are the president's chief of staff, the chairman of the New York Fed, the man appointed to take over A.I.G., and the 35-year-old boy wonder selected to oversee the bail-out program.

According to the New York Times, "Goldman supporters" insist there is no "conspiracy" and not a black helicopter in sight – just a bunch of public-spirited investment bankers sacrificing their normal 8-figure salaries for the good of the nation. But we socialists know a conspiracy when we see one, and some in our ranks are complaining bitterly that as capitalism began to collapse, the bankers seized the life raft that was intended to save the laid-off, the foreclosed-upon, and the exploited masses in general.

Ah well, we socialists still have the election to look forward to. After months of studying the candidates' economic plans, we have determined that one of them, and only one, can be relied on to complete the destruction of capitalism. With high hopes and great confidence, the Socialist International Conspiracy endorses John McCain!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I Have a Dream Speach

My admiration of Dr. King and his beautifully written truths is why I've chosen to feature this wordle.
For anyone not familiar with a wordle, you're missing out. Visit to create your own!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

blah blah blah blah

Looking forward to yet another Monday morning in the office, it occurs to me that what I'm dreading the most about returning to the grind isn't my endless project list, but rather the increasingly annoying bombardment of unnecessary chatter.

The endless project list is actually what I love about my job; the (in your best Russell Brand from Forgetting Sarah Marshall voice) "bullshit, bullshit, bullshit" however is what makes my skin crawl.

The gamut runs from those who just babble on and on about things no else could possibly care about to those who talk in cirlces using tired corporate jargon in an attempt to, sadly failed, sound professional, while everyone's eyes simply glaze over in boredom.

So as we all prepare to restart the grind, I'm reminded of these golden words from my favorite philosopher, Plato. "Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools talk because they have to say something."

Are you the wise man or the fool? For the sake of mine and everyone around you, choose the former over the latter.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Biden Gave us an Album, Palin Sang a Single

The fairest take I've seen on the VP debate comes from Jonathan Singer at MyDD:

"She sounded like a moderately effective surrogate -- a little better than a Carly Fiorina, not as good as a Mitt Romney -- but not as an able partner to John McCain, and certainly not as one who could step in as President should God forbid anything happen to McCain."

The endless repetition of platitudes, catch phrases and bullet points might have worked in a five minute talk show guest slot--because Palin had about five minutes of material, endlessly shuffled. Back before iPods, we had CD singles and tapes, which often had multiple remixes of the same song. Each individual version may be interesting for its minor variations, might work by itself on the dance floor. But stretching the five minute single out too long could get really dull after a while, especially in that extended middle break that repeats and repeats and repeats the beats. And you'd certainly never play all six versions of the remix back to back. But that's what Sarah Palin, the one-hit wonder gave us last night: the 90 minute remix version. Joe Biden gave us an album. (Joe Biden would have given us a boxed set if the moderator had given him the time.)

Biden presented a veteran's performance based on a long body of work, not just the greatest hits but full of the subtle album tracks that you don't always hear on classic rock radio. Biden's solo album fizzled on caucus night, but he's integrated himself seamlessly into the new guy's band, keeping his style but never forgetting his role as playing back-up rhythm guitar to Barack Obama's lead.

In contrast, at least one observer thinks Palin is already looking to cut a solo album. "Sarah Palin was looking out for Sarah Palin tonight," said Democrat Paul Begala on CNN. "She thinks it's over and is looking toward 2012." But if she wants to do that, Palin needs to take some time after she gets off the road and develop a bigger back catalog of material than the one heavily produced hit she has now.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The way I see it
Isn't necessarily
The way you see it
Or the way it is
Or ought to be

What's more important
Is that we're all
Looking for it
And a way to see it
- Desi Di Nardo

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